Lady Diana was often considered by the media as the "People’s Princess". Loving, caring and beautiful, she possessed all the attributes to become a subject of idolatry. And so she became. Images of her taking care of poor children in Africa or speaking against landmines have struck the imagination of the whole world.
Similarly to the Virgin Mary, Diana had (and still has) legions of followers, worshipping her giving nature and her maternal energy. In other words, she seems to fulfil the almost inherent need in human beings to worship a female goddess, giver of life and filled with compassion. The media has been a key actor in the creation of this icon by documenting every detail of her fairytale wedding, her troubled marriage, her humanitarian activities and, finally, her untimely death. Was Diana picked and groomed to become a sort of a "modern day Goddess" to ultimately be sacrificed, in accordance with ancient pagan practices? This might sound preposterous to the average National Inquirer reader, but not to the connoisseur of the occult practices of the world elite. Furthermore, numerous clues and symbols have been placed by this group to subtly commemorate the occult nature of Lady Di’s death. We will not go into details concerning her assassination, there are tons of sites and books discussing it. We will rather focus on the symbols that have surrounded the events of her death and memorial, which are the signature of the occult elite. These are visible to everybody yet only recognizable by those who have "eyes to see and ears to hear".
Diana has been elevated to the level of Goddess in order to become the object of ritual sacrifice. This practice has been carefully planed by a secret group of illuminated people, often referred to as the "Illuminati". It comprises world leaders such as the British Monarchy and they are known to be DEEPLY versed into dark occult rituals. If you have difficulty believing this, remember that the Nazis were in full force less than 60 years ago, displaying everywhere the esoteric symbol of the swastika, organizing massive occult rituals and bringing back pagan Germanic imagery .
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