In mid-December, the typical Christmas decorations began to look crowded. Not only in the real world alone, Christmas decorations were also carried out the search engine Google.
Not satisfied with creating a doodle, Google are now made in creating animation. Try you type the words "Let It Snow" in the Google search engine, and wait for the surprise.
Not only the search results appear to show the video Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, or Kylie Minogue sang "Let It Snow" on Youtube. But you'll see the snow began to fall on your monitor screen.
Slowly, the snow that was covering the search results. But do not worry, press the left click button on your mouse, then move to remove the snow, as you use your hand to wipe the glass. The word was too slowly to be seen.
Or if you're impatient, just click the "Defrost" right next to the search engines. After that, the snow was gone.
But not only the words "Let It Snow" which became Google animated keyword. If you type the word "Hanukkah", then you will see the usual decorations appear on this Jewish holiday.
Or, try it you type in the word "Askew". The result, then the appearance of the Google search engine will tilt. Because "Askew" does have meaning not in a flat position.
As the snow takes over your screen you can use your mouse to clear away sections or just draw.