Google Adsense strategies and tips | How to make more money from your Adsense

Make more money from Google Adsense
Google Adsense strategies and tipsThere are three key ways to make the most of the traffic that you're already getting and many people have made simple changes only to find their Adsense income has increased, literally overnight.

Three ways to make more money from your Adsense sites:
  1. Increase Your CTR

    Placement of your site has a massive effect on your click through rate (or CTR). If your CTR is anything under 10% you can probably improve on it. Prominent positioning in popular positions doesn't necessarily distract from your content.

    If you're serious about making money from your site and have more than 10000 page views a month, it's probably worth investing in Joel Comm's Adsense book which will advise you on the best placements, colours and settings for your ads.
  2. Improve Your eCPM

    Even with static traffic, it's possible to increase your income.

    Setting up URL channels on Google Adsense can help you to monitor the CTR and eCPM for individual pages. This can highlight some obvious inequalities between similar pages - and you can look closely at the keywords - particularly those surrounding your Adsense html to find out why.

    You can use the Adwords Keywords tool to find out which keywords are paying highly and add one of these words, where appropriate, to the top of your pages. Also, make sure that your pages are themed, so you included theme words. For example, theme words for "baby" might include babies, pregnancy, child, infants & children. Introducing sprinklings of these kinds of words throughout the content of the page can help improve it's rankings and ensure relevant ads.

    Again, for the serious business person, consider investing in an Adsense Tracker software to get detailed reports on clicks and keywords at your website.
  3. Add Fresh Content

    There's no doubt about it, adding regular fresh content to your site keeps the search engines happy. The easiest way to do this is a blog - if you're not comfortable with writing your own articles or content - you'll probably be happy with a blog.

    Spending time reviewing your site statistics, making changes where appropriate, can help to increase the traffic and income from any existing site. So, don't forget to keep an eye on your older sites, whilst developing the new ones.
What is Google Adsense and How does Google Adsense work?

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