성탄절 Christmas is Christ (Christ) and mass (Mass) as a combined portmanteau, 'Christ's Mass' or' Christ, to celebrate the birth of the Mass 'refers to: However, the actual birthday of Jesus, historically, that day but Rome in the sun-god worship the old pagan festival was the fact that the first century, the early Christians commemorated as they do not observe some reason to think there are Christian denominations.
You transcend the religious meaning has evolved into a cultural events. Christmas, the Easter Festival, with the most important and gyohoeryeok season is traditionally in the church during the four weeks before Christmas, Jesus, Jesus will come by waiting Advent keeps to: Republic of Korea Presidential Decree "Regulations on Government holidays" on the official name of 'Christian' Birthday '.
Rome and Egypt , in the region practiced pagan sun worship, and for December 25 in the myth ' the invincible sun god '(Sol Invictus) was commemorated as a national holiday. The shorter of the year the sun comrades (冬至) on the occasion, thereafter receding darkness because the sun a little longer light sosaenghae two forces become possible to get everything in order to celebrate December 25 as the anniversary were specified.
Pagan festivals yulrioh 1 year old Pope a December 25 date of the proclamation of Christ's birth origins 350 years from the ' Christian 'festival began to be recognized. which to this day tradition was to harden. Thus the Christian origins of Christmas, much longer than in the history and dating, Christian Roman Empire, the cultural fit can be seen as evidence of indigenous.
Χmas or Χ-mas, not the English X 'Christ' in the Greek first letter Χ (key) is written by appending mas. So Χmas the 'X-Mas' instead of reading a 'Christmas' should read. Christmas Festival, AD 336 AD Rome was started in, the Roman Empire in the Eastern Church in the Magi , three people who have a baby Jesus came to the shrine of the Gospel of Matthew 's story to remember gonghyeonil (日公currently, 1 월 6 일 ) and at the same time was done.
In addition, a Christmas tree the 1605 Strasbourg was first used in a gift exchange in ancient Rome was derived from customs: Santa Claus for Christmas gifts Having a divided America was commonplace in:
The original meaning of Christmas, Jesus, to commemorate the birth of, but Buddhism from Buddha to commemorate the birth of the Buddha's Birthday Celebrations of the landscape, unlike the current tendency is stronger.