Gift Card Exchange Review
We’ve all been through the dreaded process of opening presents in front of friends and family. You know the scene, all eyes on you, waiting to see how you react to their gift. It’s just an unwritten rule that you have to act happy and pleased with each unwrapped gift, even if you aren’t. When the dust clears and wrapping paper lies in heaps, you’re left with a stack of new stuff. Amongst that stuff is a pile of gift cards from those unwilling to spring for a tangible gift. Normally you would delight over the chance to pick what you actually want, but as you flip through the cards you realize, “Some of these cards are from places I never shop and will never shop.” What to do? Doesn’t it seem horrible that a $50 gift card may go to waste?
We’ve researched and reviewed the top ten online gift card exchange sites. These websites provide the outlet for getting rid of unwanted gift cards in exchange for another gift card, credit or cold, hard cash. A side-by-side matrix compares each site, showing you which offer the best selection and selling options.
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